Our Application Process:

Updated: January 9, 2008. Thank you for your interest in MATCH. The 2007-2008 cycle for MATCH is now closed and we are no longer accepting grant applications. We will be in touch with all current applications (donors and schools) once the final determinations have been made. Thank you for your understanding.

The application process consists of two parts. An application will be considered complete only when both parts have been submitted:

The online application will be available here on the MATCH website (dayschoolmatch.org) starting November 5, 2007.

The online application requires submission of both the donor and day school's contact information. The donor will provide answers to questions related to motivation for making the gift and philanthropic interests. The day school professional will provide information about the day school and usage of grant funds.

To see what a sample online application looks like and requires click here.

If a donor has extenuating circumstances that prevents her/him from filling out the application form online, please contact Jonathan Horowitz at (212) 726-0177 ext. 218 or . Applications submitted through the mail will not be eligible unless the donor has received prior approval to submit offline.

Donor eligibility statement:
This form must be personally completed and signed by the donor indicating knowledge of the matching grant program, intention to make the gift if awarded matching funds and attesting to compliance with the terms and conditions of the program.

Click here to download this form: Word Document or PDF

Form must be faxed to (866) 701-5812 after November 5, 2007.

Once both parts of the application have been fully completed and submitted the application will be considered for matching funds.

Applications must be completed and submitted electronically by 5:00 pm EST, Wednesday, January 9, 2008. Due to the volume of applications anticipated, submission of an application does not guarantee matching funds.