The Partnership for Excellence in Jewish Education

Jewish Education Society of North America

The AVI CHAI Foundation


2007 Study Shows Day School Students Thrive Academically in College, While Grounded in Jewish Life

"The Wonders of America: School Daze" (download PDF)
By Jenna Weissman Joselit
The Forward, September 2, 2005

"Day Schools Show Continued Growth"
By Gary Rosenblatt
The Jewish Week, December 10, 2004

"Day Schools for Reform Jews Too"
Special to The Jewish Week, August 20, 2004

"Day Schools as Organizations of Jewish Learning"
By Michael Zeldin
Sh'ma, February 2004

Highlights from February 2004 Issue of Sh'ma
(theme: Teaching Children)

"Spotlight On: Jewish Day School Education"
Produced by JESNA
Summer 2003

"Untapped Potential: The Status of Jewish Early Childhood Education in America"
Created by Jewish Early Childhood Education Partnership, 2002 (JECEP is now a part of CAJE)

"Financing Jewish Education"
Agenda: Jewish Education
Published by Jewish Education Service of North America (JESNA)
Issue #14, Summer 2001

"A Vision for Day School Excellence"
By Joshua Elkin
Sh'ma, October 2000

Highlights from October 2000 Issue of Sh'ma
(theme: Jewish Day Schools)

"Religious Schools Beckon Parents" (download PDF)
By Larry B. Stammer
Los Angeles Times, January 3, 1999

"Growth in Jewish Private Schools Celebrates Complex Mix" (download PDF)
By Peter Applebome
The New York Times, September 30, 1997

Selections from recent Melton periodicals about Jewish learning
Melton Research Center for Jewish Education

PEJE Day School Philanthropy Research

Guiding Principles for Jewish Day Schools
Collected by Partnership for Excellence in Jewish Education (PEJE)

A Census of Jewish Day Schools in the United States (2003-04)

Frequently Asked Questions about Jewish Day Schools
Compiled by PEJE/California Assemblies 2003